Purim is in the air. Chabad at Monterra is proud to offer many programs and services to help you and your family celebrate this joyous holiday. Below are important dates and information with all the Purim happenings.  

~ Schedule of Purim Events: ~
(More info and links Below)


2024 Purim Gift Basket Project
(Deadline Date to come!)

Purim Gift Basket:

(Mishloach Manot) the sending of food and fruit basket gifts to family and friends is one of four significant Mitzvot performed on Purim. Every year on The Holiday of Purim Chabad at Monterra gives out over 200 beautifully prepared Mishloach Manot packages throughout our Community. 

Once again we will be offering families to participate in our Purim Gift Basket Program   and have your name listed on every basket we give out.
The cost to join is only $118.00 per family.

Please note that we can only guarantee Purim Baskets
to families that participate in our Purim Basket Project.

We hope you will participate and share the Purim Project!


CKids Pre-Purim Masquerade Party & Hamantash Bake! 


Purim Party

Purim In Israel
Israeli Themed Purim Party

Sunday, March 24th
5:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M.

at Chabad At Monterra:
5933 S. University Dr. , Davie FL. 33328

$100 - Family / $25 Person
$360 Purim Event Sponsor 


Private Megillah Readings

If you would like Chabad to arrange a private Megillah reading in your home or office please email:
[email protected] and we will gladly come and read the Megillah for you! 
Suggested donation: $180.00